Elle Deco 'Paper shoot' April'19

Elle Deco 'Paper shoot' April'19

‘Between Prints and Pots’ - Ceramic Review, Issue 296, March/April ‘19.

‘Between Prints and Pots’ - Ceramic Review, Issue 296, March/April ‘19.

‘Movers and Shakers’ - Homes and Gardens, Issue January ‘19.

‘Movers and Shakers’ - Homes and Gardens, Issue January ‘19.

‘Movers and Shakers’ - Homes and Gardens, Issue January ‘19.

‘Artisan Profile –Hannah Tounsend’ – Country Living's Modern Rustic, Issue 07, February ‘17.

‘Artisan Profile –Hannah Tounsend’ – Country Living's Modern Rustic, Issue 07, February ‘17.

‘Artisan Profile –Hannah Tounsend’ – Country Living's Modern Rustic, Issue 07, February ‘17.

‘Artisan Profile –Hannah Tounsend’ – Country Living's Modern Rustic, Issue 07, February ‘17.